Author Dale Brunner


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Dale Brunner



Clancy and the Rainbow Surfer Gang

         “Quite often I am asked what books I suggest for children to read that will help them in their development to supplement their classroom schooling. One such book I strongly recommend is Rainbow Surfers. It’s a book that reads like a Harry Potter adventure… kinda cool … and conveys a strong positive message with a very entertaining, fun and intriguing story line. Not to mention a noble mission of world peace. A must read in today’s challenging times. Even though it’s a children’s book, when I read it as an adult, I found myself unable to stop turning to the next page.” ~ Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™

Lumino City is a fantastical adventure series for young adults in learning how to become a rainbow surfer. It teaches the art of intentional living one adventure at a time, and how to navigate life challenges successfully.

Join Clancy and the Rainbow Surfer Gang as they learn the magic of surfing a rainbow. In the inner world of Lumino City, Clancy and his friends apply their thoughts and emotions to live their lives deliberately.


BECOMING A RAINBOW SURFER - LUMINO CITY - Clancy and the Rainbow Surfer Gang by Dale Brunner

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Jack Canfield Endorsment

        “Quite often I am asked what books I suggest for children to read that will help them in their development to supplement their classroom schooling. One such book I strongly recommend is Rainbow Surfers. It’s a book that reads like a Harry Potter adventure… kinda cool … and conveys a strong positive message with a very entertaining, fun and intriguing story line. Not to mention a noble mission of world peace. A must read in today’s challenging times. Even though it’s a children’s book, when I read it as an adult, I found myself unable to stop turning to the next page.” 

             ~ Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series and The Success Principles™ 

The Promise of Surfing Rainbows

          “When “luck” seems to be on your side and everything seems to fall into place so that your life flows, you are instinctively Rainbow Surfing. When chance meetings and surprising coincidences keep happening so that things work out well for you and your desires become real, you are Rainbow Surfing.

          When you understand what is happening and then learn to make it happen intentionally, life can always be this good. This is the promise of Rainbow Surfers.”  ~ Rainbow Surfer Dale 

Check out the latest blogs by Rainbow Surfer Dale

The 7 Rainbow Surfers

When we get the connection between what we’re thinking, how we’re feeling, and what’s showing up in our life experiences, we are Rainbow Surfers.

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The Sport Movement of Surfing Rainbows

The Rainbow Surfering Movement addresses in a fresh, innovative way what they want (and don’t want), as well as what parents want (and don’t want), for their kids.  Lumino City is a book for teenagers that will culminate in a worldwide Rainbow Surfer Movement, called The Sport of Surfing Rainbows. Buy Now… The list below addresses the concerns parents (grandparents) share in raising children. Why should kids fear going to school… or going to school in fear?  Why shouldn’t kids feel safe and secure going to school? Would you like to see an end to bullying? Would you like school shootings to diminish or stop altogether? What would your kids do if they never experienced doubt or fear of any kind?  What could they accomplish? How would you like your kids to get more of the things they want in life, without the heartache and headache? Why should any child struggle through life needlessly?  Why shouldn’t they live happily ever after? Don’t all kids deserve a chance to have a fun, adventurous life, regardless of their background or current conditions? Would you like your kids and grandkids to live life without limitations? Would you like your kids to be free of stress, pain, and frustration? Do you want your kids to have a sense of self-worth and thus lower the suicide rate? Would you like childhood mental illnesses reduced or a thing of the past? Who wouldn’t want their kids to achieve their maximum potential? Here are some things kids do want, as well as what parents want for their kids ….. Kids want to have fun, and they want to have good, loyal friends who they enjoy being around. They want to be happy and carefree without worry in the world. They want to feel appreciated, be noticed and have a sense of belonging. They want to fit in and get along with their classmates. They want to trust their friends, classmates, and adult teachers, and to be trusted in return. They want to be around kids they can trust and get along with. They want to be their unique individuals but are accepted for who they are among their classmates. They want to feel worthy and have a sense of self-worth. They want to be treated as unique individuals. One-of-kind personality. They want to speak their minds and express themselves openly and freely, without fear of reprisal or consequences. They want to feel safe and secure in any environment, whether in school, on the playground, or at home. They want to feel confident and competent. They want to feel “liked” and important. They want to feel a sensation of freedom and independence. They want to participate in inspirational, rather than boring, activities. They want to be stimulated by activities that stir their inner creative spirit. They want to be loved and to show kindness and affection to others.  Kids like to play.  They like motion and adventure. Kids want to learn new things that interest them.

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