Rainbow Surfers - Lumino City
ow, that was quite a scrape Clancy got into. But he managed to get home safe and sound. He mustered up his courage and changed the way he was thinking and feeling about the stuff in his life. He surfed the rainbow. Clancy wants every reader to know that they can become a Rainbow Surfer too.
The message in the Rainbow Surfers series is that every child is a creator. That means you can create your life by what you are thinking about. Rainbow Surfers think their thoughts on purpose. And, as a result, they get more of what they want and less of what they don’t want in life. So, when you step up to bat, think about hitting a home run, not striking out. When you prepare for a test, think about getting an” not a poor grade. When it’s time to clean your room, think about how nice it’s going to look and feel when you’re finished. Try to follow Clancy’s example by looking on the “sunny side” of things. Don’t let anything or anyone dull your sparkle.
The promise of Rainbow Surfing is that every child has the tools already and the potential to reach their highest goals and find success regardless of their background or circumstances. When you imagine things as you’d like them to be, instead of as they currently are, those imagined things tend to happen. This is the promise of Rainbow Surfing.
Your emotions are important also. Make it your daily goal to practice the habit of feeling good by giving your attention to the things you want, rather than the things you don’t want. It’s possible to choose your feelings just like you choose your clothes. The choice is always yours.
Happy Rainbow Surfing, Rainbow Surfer Dale